North America Technical Institute cannot guarantee that clock hours earned will transfer to another institution. Transfer of clock hours is regulated by the criteria established by the receiving institution. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether or not clock hours will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice.
Experiential Learning Portfolio Procedures approved by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) are used to allow students through an Experiential Learning Portfolio (ELP) to satisfy NATI’s course or program requirements. Credit for experiential learning is applied on a course-by-course basis to courses when it appears that learning resulting from experience is comparable to the content of specific courses. Student must meet at least 80% of the course learning objectives. The ELP will be graded Pass or Fail. If a student failed to successfully complete an Experiential Learning Portfolio for a course, the course must be taken at NATI in order to obtain the required clock hours for that course.